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Sublime Text - AutoHotKey Syntax Package: Enhance Your Coding Experience with this Free Tool

Check out Color Scheme Editor by facelessuser: =5&t=11819It will let you open and see visually the scope names and colors defined in .tmTheme files. You can open up the various .tmTheme files in the "Color Scheme - Default" package. If you can't find the .tmTheme files - then find "Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package" and rename its extension to zip. Then unzip it.Then use scope names with a beginning that matches the scopes defined in the default color schemes and add ".ahk" at the end of it. The color from the tmTheme used be the one with the prefix that matches most specifically. So you can add things on to the scope names - but always use the standard prefix scopes already found in other tmTheme files.So for example, you can have one syntax language rule for scope "variable.parameter.local.ahk" and another for "". If in your .tmTheme file defines these two scopes then they will each get different colors. But if a user is using another color scheme that only defines "variable.parameter" - it will still color - but it will color both as the same since "variable.parameter" still matches as a prefix.Also, use this to edit your color schemes and syntax language files in JSON format instead of XML-Plist (which is very messy and hard to read): =5&t=6534The Sublimetext forum (linked above) is a great place to ask any more questions you might have.Update: Another web based color scheme editor: -Editor

Sublime Text - AutoHotKey Syntax Package setup free


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