Rhino 7 is the most significant upgrade in its product history. You can create organic shapes with our new SubD tools. Run Rhino and Grasshopper as a Revit Add-On with Rhino.Inside.Revit. Use the robust QuadRemesh algorithm to create a beautiful quad mesh from NURBS geometry or meshes. With this release, completely new modeling workflows have been unlocked and many steadfast features have been refined . These are the highlights:
Shop Talk CAD CAM v8.0
Rhino.Inside is a new technology that allows embedding Rhino into other 64-bit Windows applications. Rhino.Inside.Revit is based on this technology and provides a platform for an unprecedented level of integration between Rhino and Revit.Grasshopper brings a collection of new components for interacting with Revit, as well as providing access to the two software APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) using its script components. 2ff7e9595c